Vocab #3 😁
catharsis- releasing strong emotions and feelings (ex: Yelling/screaming, to me, is a good catharsis to let out the pent up anger of the day.)
taboo- innapropriate because of social beliefs or emotional dislkies (ex: Sexist old men in Mexico think it's taboo for women to work and men to clean.)
sordid- very bad or dirty (ex. She made a sordid joke)
swindle-use deception to deprive someone of something (ex: He swindled me of my $20)
frivolous-goofy (ex: His Christmas sweater was frivolous)
inadvertently- without attention, accidentally (ex: He inadvertently spilled his juice on his girlfriend)
incendiary- designed to cause fires (ex: The new Samsung 7 is incendiary)
jargon- special words by a specific profession or group that are difficult to understand (ex: I can't comprehend the law jargon the two layers are talking about)
colloquialism- casual word used as slang (ex: I have a difficult time understanding the colloquialism they are referring to.)
archaism- very old or old fashioned (ex: The album I found in the attic is archaism.)
cudgel- short thick stick (ex: She beat me with a cudgel!)
egregious- really really really bad (ex: The teacher did an egregious error that might cost her her job.)
anesthetize-induce a loss of consciousness (
euphonious- pleasing to the ear (ex: The mother's soft singing was euphonious to the baby sleeping.)
scrupulous- right minded; careful (ex: She was very scrupulous on the way she drew the dragon)
perverted- not considered normal or acceptable (ex: The best friends have a perverted way of communicating.)
superfluous-unnecessary, more than enough (ex: He gave a superfluous excuse on why he didn't do his homework.)
Saxon- a member of a Germanic people in ancient times (ex: My great great grandfather was a Saxon)
slovenly- messy and dirty (ex: In the past my older sister's room was very slovenly.)
provocation- action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry (ex: Her bratty provocation made me upset.)