Vocab # 5 😈
- venomous- mailce or spite (ex: Her venomous attitude sucked the life out of her boyfriend.)
- stolid- showing little emotion (ex: The girl showed a stolid emotion at her grandmother's funeral.)
- hypnotized- produce a state of hypnosis on someone (ex: The mermaid's high pitched song hypnotized the men to their death.)
- suspended- temporarily prevent from continuing something (ex: The principal suspended the defiant child from attending Magic Mountain.)
- transformed-make a through or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character of (ex: Ariel was magically transformed from mermaid to human to be with her true love.)
- accuse- charge with offense or crime (ex: The defendant was accused of arcon.)
- anticipate- expect or predicct (ex: The bratty teenager anticipated a car on her 16th birthday but instead got clothes.)
- fringe- a decorative edge made of loose threads, tassels, or twists (ex: The leather jacket had fringes on the sleeves.)
- melancholy- sad (ex: After her father's death her whole world was dipped in a melancholy mood.)
- earnest- honest, sincerely genuine (ex: Priests try to give earnest advice.)
- dissolve- absorbed by a liquid (ex: The antacid pills disolved in my water, of which I drank to soothe my stomach.)
- aggravate- to make worse or more severe (ex: The constant taping of his pencial was aggravating this pounding headache.)
- illuminate- to bring attention to or shine light upon (ex: The Christmas lights outside houses illuminate the neighborhood.)
- capillary-associated with the tiny vessels of blood that link the arteries to the veins (ex: Sometimes rubbing my eye too much pops a capillary in my eye causing it to go red.)
- proboscis-the long, thin nose of some animals (ex: