Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Why do people cheer so much when a baby is born if it will just struggle through life, but people cry so much when a person dies if they are just going back home with God?"-  My Dad


I was a bit confused on the essay seeing as we didn't exactly have prompt but I tried my very best and I'd LOVE to tweek it with any ideas. (Last paragraph sucks)

Monday, September 26, 2016


                    Hillary                                                           Trump
  •  Uses granddaughter's birthday as people attraction 
     Brings other countries' success the reason why we don't have jobs
     Slanders Trump by saying that he had everything ($) starting up.
     Brings up his money starting up to our economy's downfall to China uprising.
     Brings back comment from Trump (2006) 
     Racial bias (Us sending stuff to Mexico= tax. Mexico sending stuff to us= no tax)
     Pushes Trump's comment about her towards her talking about her husband
     Ignores Lester's attempt to pause

     Cutting Hillary off "I did not say that.. I did not say that"

    No new things brought up


Friday, September 23, 2016


Two gang members that "supposedly" stabbed a man were found non-guilty since they had no more proof. Although what if they did stab him? The Constitution states you can't be tried for the same trial, so basically if they did stab him they can't be tried anymore! The man had two kids and now they have no one and have no justice for him. This generation would rather kill a man for messing with their "gang" and have the man's kids in foster. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Vocab #4 😎

adroit- clever or skillful (ex: The small child was an adroit mathematic at the age of 3.)
amicable- showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument (ex: My Aunt Vicky has the amicable characteristic which allows her to solve family issues.)
averse- actively not liking something (ex: My sister is averse to broccoli. )
belligerent- hostile; ready to fight (ex: At times I can be classified as a belligerent person.)
benevolent- willing to help, do good, and be generous towards people (ex: Anne is a benevolent person who loves to help the needy.)
cursory- something done quickly with little attention to detail (ex: In a rush the mother did a cursory head count and realized she left two of her sons at home.)
duplicity- dishonest behavior used to trick someone (ex: The joker in class uses duplicity on his victims but never intentionally physically harms them.)
extol- to praise (ex: As Catholics we extol all the saints, God and his son and the Virgin Mary.)
feasible- to do without much difficulty; possible (ex: Attempting to get a 4.0 GPA without trying hard is not feasible.)  
grimace- a facial expression that usually indicates strong dislike and pain (ex: I grimaced at the amount of mayonnaise she put in her sandwich.) 
holocaust- the extermination of a large group of individuals or other living things by deliberate or natural means (ex: During World War II, about six million jews were killed in the holocaust.)
impervious- not allowing something to enter or pass through (ex: These thick walls are impervious to the freezing cold outside.)

impetus- a force that causes something to be done or to become more active (ex: His desire to get his new step siblings to like him has been the impetus to be more social around them.)
jeopardy- at risk of loss or harm (ex: If you do not do your homework you will be at jeopardy to fail the class and not be able to do sports anymore.)
meticulous- showing great attention to detail (ex: AJ is known to be very meticulous to his bedroom so he can always tell when his siblings have been messing around in there.)
nostalgia- a longing for a time or event that has passed (ex: Seeing kids at the movies with their parents gives me a nostalgia for the days my family and I used to all hang out.)
quintessence- most perfect example of its type (ex: Weddings that have lasted for ever are the quintessence of true love.)
retrogress- to return to a prior state that is typically worse than the current state (ex: Bill vows to never retrogress to alcoholism. )
scrutinize- examine or inspect closely (ex: My lawyer scrutinized the document so I may sign it now.) 
tepid- displaying little interest or enthusiasm (ex: The kids gave tepid replies to the amount of homework.)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Vocab #3 😁 

catharsis- releasing strong emotions and feelings (ex: Yelling/screaming, to me, is a good catharsis to let out the pent up anger of the day.) 
taboo- innapropriate because of social beliefs or emotional dislkies (ex: Sexist old men in Mexico think it's taboo for women to work and men to clean.)
sordid- very bad or dirty (ex. She made a sordid joke)
swindle-use deception to deprive someone of something (ex: He swindled me of my $20)
frivolous-goofy (ex: His Christmas sweater was frivolous) 
inadvertently- without attention, accidentally  (ex: He inadvertently spilled his juice on his girlfriend) 
incendiary- designed to cause fires (ex: The new Samsung 7 is incendiary)
jargon- special words by a specific profession or group that are difficult to understand (ex: I can't comprehend the law jargon the two layers are talking about)
colloquialism- casual word used as slang (ex: I have a difficult time understanding the colloquialism they are referring to.)
archaism- very old or old fashioned (ex: The album I found in the attic is archaism.)
cudgel- short thick stick (ex: She beat me with a cudgel!)
egregious- really really really bad (ex: The teacher did an egregious error that might cost her her job.)
anesthetize-induce a loss of consciousness ( 
euphonious- pleasing to the ear (ex: The mother's soft singing was euphonious to the baby sleeping.)
scrupulous- right minded; careful (ex: She was very scrupulous on the way she drew the dragon)
perverted- not considered normal or acceptable (ex: The best friends have a perverted way of communicating.) 
superfluous-unnecessary, more than enough (ex: He gave a superfluous excuse on why he didn't do his homework.) 

Saxon- a member of a Germanic people in ancient times (ex: My great great grandfather was a Saxon)
slovenly- messy and dirty (ex: In the past my older sister's room was very slovenly.)
provocation- action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry (ex: Her bratty provocation made me upset.)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Gender Roles, Sexism Satire

This year, 2016, there are so many problems with gender roles and sexism.

 Women are being judged on how they should act, how much makeup they have on, how they dress and how they behave.

 Men are judged on how manly they are, how their jawline isn't on "fleek", how much of a "player" they are and how much of a "sissy/pansy" they are. 

Not only this but there are still people that think a man's place is bringing home the bacon and women are here to please the men emotionally and physically. A women is not meant to work besides working at home to provide her family with meals and clean clothes/ house if not then she will be punished by her husband. A man is meant to be the head of the house. He should be the sole provider of the house and meant to keep his wife and family in check. If the man were to lose his job he should already be looking and receiving another one.