Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Vocab #4 😎

adroit- clever or skillful (ex: The small child was an adroit mathematic at the age of 3.)
amicable- showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument (ex: My Aunt Vicky has the amicable characteristic which allows her to solve family issues.)
averse- actively not liking something (ex: My sister is averse to broccoli. )
belligerent- hostile; ready to fight (ex: At times I can be classified as a belligerent person.)
benevolent- willing to help, do good, and be generous towards people (ex: Anne is a benevolent person who loves to help the needy.)
cursory- something done quickly with little attention to detail (ex: In a rush the mother did a cursory head count and realized she left two of her sons at home.)
duplicity- dishonest behavior used to trick someone (ex: The joker in class uses duplicity on his victims but never intentionally physically harms them.)
extol- to praise (ex: As Catholics we extol all the saints, God and his son and the Virgin Mary.)
feasible- to do without much difficulty; possible (ex: Attempting to get a 4.0 GPA without trying hard is not feasible.)  
grimace- a facial expression that usually indicates strong dislike and pain (ex: I grimaced at the amount of mayonnaise she put in her sandwich.) 
holocaust- the extermination of a large group of individuals or other living things by deliberate or natural means (ex: During World War II, about six million jews were killed in the holocaust.)
impervious- not allowing something to enter or pass through (ex: These thick walls are impervious to the freezing cold outside.)

impetus- a force that causes something to be done or to become more active (ex: His desire to get his new step siblings to like him has been the impetus to be more social around them.)
jeopardy- at risk of loss or harm (ex: If you do not do your homework you will be at jeopardy to fail the class and not be able to do sports anymore.)
meticulous- showing great attention to detail (ex: AJ is known to be very meticulous to his bedroom so he can always tell when his siblings have been messing around in there.)
nostalgia- a longing for a time or event that has passed (ex: Seeing kids at the movies with their parents gives me a nostalgia for the days my family and I used to all hang out.)
quintessence- most perfect example of its type (ex: Weddings that have lasted for ever are the quintessence of true love.)
retrogress- to return to a prior state that is typically worse than the current state (ex: Bill vows to never retrogress to alcoholism. )
scrutinize- examine or inspect closely (ex: My lawyer scrutinized the document so I may sign it now.) 
tepid- displaying little interest or enthusiasm (ex: The kids gave tepid replies to the amount of homework.)

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