Tuesday, March 14, 2017

College/ Universities Rally?

Today the juniors (class of 2018) went to a college day for higher education week in the Wilson gym. I honestly feel that most people only went to it so they didn't have to be in class. I saw most of the kids just walking around the booths and playing on their phones. They just wasted their precious time by doing nothing instead of looking for potential colleges.

I visited the Cal Poly, UC Davis, UC Merced, University of Idaho, Fresno State and the SBCF. I only visited these schools because I plan to major in Agricultural education and Agricultural business and these schools have agricultural programs. I got to learn more things from the different booths. For example, most colleges make you take 2 years of basic credential such as math, English and science, however Cal Poly doesn't. They let you just dive into the many things in agricultural that you want to. They're motto is "Learning by doing" just like FFA's motto is "Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live and living to serve." Cal Poly focuses on hands on activities and most of ( I believe all of them) the majors they have always ends up with a job. I loved hearing new things from these different universities and can't wait to see what college has in store.  

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