Thursday, September 1, 2016

Gender Roles, Sexism Satire

This year, 2016, there are so many problems with gender roles and sexism.

 Women are being judged on how they should act, how much makeup they have on, how they dress and how they behave.

 Men are judged on how manly they are, how their jawline isn't on "fleek", how much of a "player" they are and how much of a "sissy/pansy" they are. 

Not only this but there are still people that think a man's place is bringing home the bacon and women are here to please the men emotionally and physically. A women is not meant to work besides working at home to provide her family with meals and clean clothes/ house if not then she will be punished by her husband. A man is meant to be the head of the house. He should be the sole provider of the house and meant to keep his wife and family in check. If the man were to lose his job he should already be looking and receiving another one.


My solution is for everyone, man and women, to become transgender. They will all have the surgery to become transgender but stop the surgery in the middle so we all have nothing down there and all of us will have no chest. By doing this we will all be equal!

Yes we won't be able to repopulate the Earth but that will solve Johnathan Swift's issue on there being a lot of children in Ireland! Soon there will be none to burden their poor mothers and the people will finally have food and jobs.

This solution will also solve same-sex problems. No more people bickering about how that is immoral and how those holes won't go together since we won't have holes no more! (cringe) Also there will be no more sexual assaulting someone since they won't have anything down there! This will stop some crimes. 

By doing this we eliminate all gender problems! 

1 comment:

  1. I liked your Satire Project Liliy and the solution you proposed haha. I really enjoyed it when you explained your thoughts on this to our class. Obviously the solution seems impossible, but you were saying it all so serious and got all of our attention. Good Job!(:
