Monday, November 14, 2016


I started reading "A Sound of Thunder" at about 9pm Sunday night, and honestly I have no words for it. I'm not going to lie and say the story captured my interest. I basically had to read the sentences twice just to make sure I understood what I read. However I really did like the story. I thought it was funny how in the beginning of the story it talks about the election, "Makes you think, If the election had gone badly yesterday, I might be here now running away from the results." This was me the day I found out about our new president, yet my thought was in the opposite way. 

Even though I wasn't interested in the story, I kept reading. I came across a sentence that started with ("Christ isn't born yet," said Travis, "Moses has not gone to the mountains to talk with God. The Pyramids are still in the earth, waiting to be cut out and put up. Remember that. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler-none of them exists.) Never have I ever heard of people talking about Christ being alive. I am Catholic and believe in Jesus Christ so reading this has shocked me. People don't like to mention religion because a lot of people get awkward or get very upset. Also, the fact that people don't express their thoughts on there being a God and if he did create us (people fight with scientific facts). Just seeing this sentence has me shocked and grinning from the diversity in writing.

Travis was a little smarty-pants when he explained the butterfly effect to Eckels. It was quite cool how he gave so many reasons on why you shouldn't alter the past. Everyone always talks about the butterfly effect yet hardly anyone gives multiple examples that doesn't involve butterflies. 

Is hunting dinosaurs really cool? Hmn..

At the end of the story Travis shot Eckels because Eckels stepped on a butterfly causing the world to change. Is killing Eckels going to solve the issue? 

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